4 reasons to enjoy the magic of Christmas

Christmas is here. It's a time when lights twinkle, illuminating villages and immersing visitors in a warm, magical atmosphere. A sweet smell of spices and cinnamon wafts through the aisles of the Christmas markets, while in the distance, the voices of a choir resound in the choir of the churches.

The Sélestat Haut-Koenigsbourg region, the heart of Alsace, is decked out in its finest colours as the festive season approaches. Here are 4 good reasons why you should come and see us!

The gourmet specialities of Christmas

You can't talk about Christmas in Alsace without mentioning its gastronomy. What tasty treats are on offer at this time of year?

The famous Christmas bredeles: aniseed bredle, gingerbread, butter bredle, Schwowe bredle....are a must during the festive season! You can serve them with hot chocolate or mulled wine. Take a whiff of those enchanting spices.  

An emblematic symbol of Alsatian gastronomy, foie gras is a prestigious guest at end-of-year tables. Enjoy it hot or cold. And why not accompany it with a slice of gingerbread.

The festive season hasn't even started yet, but we still want to eat everything!

Christmas markets

Let yourself be guided to Sélestat's Christmas chalets, where you'll find a host of arts and crafts, food and shopping. There's plenty to fill your sack with souvenirs and gifts from Alsace.
What we particularly like is taking a stroll with friends or family, having a drink, nibbling on goodies and watching the children marvelling at the magic of Christmas! Taking a stroll after dark is also an event in itself, as the city centre is enchanting with all its illuminations! It's the perfect opportunity to take some great photos.

In Muttersholtz, Father Christmas arrives in a boat, a tradition linked to this ancestral means of transport. Flat-bottomed boats were once very common in the Ried, used to transport people and goods, particularly in the Rhine basin. In Muttersholtz, Santa has swapped his sleigh for a boat. Accompanied by angels, elves and Christkindel, he will make his way to the Christmas market in the centre of the village. Take advantage of your visit to stroll through the market and sample the local bredele and sweets.

Christmas market - Place du Dr Maurice Kubler ©Ville de Sélestat
Santa arrives by boat ©SHKT

The traditions

From the end of November onwards, rituals and traditions keep the heart of Alsace beating!

We'd like to introduce you to 2 legendary figures of Alsatian Christmas: Saint-Nicolas and Hans Trapp.
Join us on 6 December to meet Saint-Nicolas, who will no doubt be rewarding the best-behaved children. It's the perfect opportunity to taste a mannele, a delicious brioche in the shape of a little man. But watch out for disobedient children.... Hans Trapp could take you with him.

The Advent wreath symbolises the period between the Sunday closest to St Andrew's Day (30 November) and Christmas Day. According to tradition, the 4 candles represent the 4 weeks leading up to Christmas, or Advent. On the 1st Sunday, one candle is lit, then the 2nd on the following Sunday, keeping the 1st lit, and so on until the last Sunday before Christmas, when all the candles are lit.

In Sélestat, the Christmas tree is at the heart of the festivities. Did you know that the oldest known written reference to the Christmas tree in the world is preserved here? It appears in a city account book dated 21 December 1521. It states that the forest wardens had to be paid 4 schillings for supervising the felling of the trees. To commemorate this tradition, discover the magnificent exhibition on the evolution of Christmas tree decorations, from the 16th century to the present day, at Saint-Georges Church.

The oldest written reference to the Christmas Tree ©Ville de Sélestat

The Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle in its festive finery

One of Alsace's most visited monuments is decked out in its finest Christmas decorations.
Workshops, storytelling evenings, guided tours and theatrical evening visits... a unique opportunity to experience a medieval Christmas in a magnificent setting.

Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle puts on its festive clothes ©SHKT

Stay in the heart of Alsace, in the Sélestat Haut-Koenigsbourg region.


2 Place du Dr Maurice Kubler
Maison du Parvis

Tel. +33 (0)3 88 58 87 20