Visit: archaeological dig at Château de l'Œdenbourg


Visit: archaeological dig at Château de l'Œdenbourg


To mark the European Archaeology Days and the 2nd archaeological excavation campaign, visits will be organised to the site of the Château de l'Œdenbourg in Orschwiller, owned by the European Collectivity of Alsace.

The programme includes :

  • Tours of the site and presentation of the latest discoveries
  • Presentation of the "Castles in Alsace" educational pack
  • Presentation by INSA Strasbourg of a 3D reconstruction of the castle currently in progress

This research is being carried out as part of the Interreg project "Châteaux rhénans - Burgen am Oberrhein", which is receiving €2.9 million in European ERDF co-funding.

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Maison du Parvis

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