SensoRied - Barefoot path


SensoRied - Barefoot path
Spoken language


Hot? Cold? Wet? Hard? Flexible? Tickle? Tingly? Like your hands, your feet are sensitive and receptive to their environment. So let your feet get some fresh air and awaken your senses to discover the Ried and its history.

Located in Muttersholtz, a town that was elected French capital of biodiversity in 2017. A great reward for the collective efforts of a community. This village has been pursuing a strong public policy on the environment and biodiversity for many years.

The lockers made available to you at the start of the barefoot trail require a €2 coin, which is not refunded.
For pre-constituted groups: free visit up to 30 people: 60€ or guided visit from 20 to 30 people: 200€ during the week, 300€ on weekends and public holidays.

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2 Place du Dr Maurice Kubler
Maison du Parvis

Tel. +33 (0)3 88 58 87 20