Christmas time in Sélestat



Christmas in Sélestat, in the heart of winter

Year after year, Christmas remains the setting for a journey, for some religious, for others cultural, or simply both combined. Christmas is a time of celebration, a time of enchantment and hope, when everyone expresses themselves according to their own aspirations and gives free rein to their imagination. And since 1521, Sélestat has been celebrating traditions around the fir tree, the emblem of the winter season and the city's humanist guest of honour.
In the midst of restful nature, the festive tree will be decked out in its finest finery, perfuming the air around our exhibitions and proudly taking pride of place in the squares.

Winter in Sélestad will offer snow-covered landscapes here, seasonal stories there, and flavours and emotions further afield, inviting you to take a voyage of discovery through the unmissable themed stops in remarkable buildings and edifices, to share with family and friends. Street performers, musical ensembles, storytellers, craftspeople and designers will be sure to surprise visitors.

Welcome to the heart of Alsace,                                                                                                                                                                   Welcome to Sélestat, capital of the Christmas tree!

Lieu de manifestation / de départ
City center
Type d'évènement, exposition
Traditional feast
Organisé par
Service Festivités et Animations Culturelles


Free access, some activities with a fee


Services +

Commodités / Services annexes

Christmas time in Sélestat

Centre ville, 67600 Selestat


2 Place du Dr Maurice Kubler
Maison du Parvis

Tel. +33 (0)3 88 58 87 20