Snow shoes hiking trail - Gazon du Faing and Route des Crêtes



This circuit is designed for those who want to enjoy powder snow in the middle of the great polar spaces of the Vosges mountains.

This easy loop first crosses the Tanet-Gazon du Faing nature reserve. You'll be amazed to (re)discover it in its white coat. The return journey takes you along the Route des Crêtes, where cross-country skiers are the only drivers allowed to overtake you. Here again, the atmosphere is magical.

At the halfway point, you'll find the Auberge du Gazon du Faing, where delicious comfort food and/or sweet treats await you for an invigorating break.

Caution: unpredictable wind, fog and snowfall can quickly invade the massif, resulting in dangerous conditions. Before heading out into the mountains, it's a good idea to check the weather forecast.

Dénivelé (en m): 244m
Longueur du circuit (en Km): 10 Km
Niveau de difficulté: Intermediate
Type de sentier / circuit:
hiking path
Lieu de la manifestation/de départ:
Col du calvaire
Durée: 3h

Tracé KML

Snow shoes hiking trail - Gazon du Faing and Route des Crêtes

col du Calvaire, 68370 Station du Lac Blanc 1200


2 Place du Dr Maurice Kubler
Maison du Parvis

Tel. +33 (0)3 88 58 87 20