

An arboretum to learn to identify the trees of the forest

The arboretum of the Kintzheim municipal forest is located on a forest trail of about 1.6 km accessible to everyone. It takes a maximum of three to four hours to complete the route.
About twenty forest species have been planted and are presented on explanatory panels along the route.

The trail can be started from a rest area located near the junction between the road leading to Haut-Koenigsbourg (D159) and the road leading to the Wick (Monkey Mountain).

Accessible by all-terrain pushchair

Altitude (en m): 387m
Longueur du circuit (en Km): 1,6 Km
Niveau de difficulté: Easy
Type de sentier / circuit:
botanical path , self-guided nature trail
Lieu de la manifestation/de départ:
From a rest area near the junction between the road to Haut-Koenigsbourg (D159) and the road to the Wick (Monkey Mountain).
Durée: 45 min

Tracé KML


D159, 67600 Kintzheim


2 Place du Dr Maurice Kubler
Maison du Parvis

Tel. +33 (0)3 88 58 87 20