Hiking tour - the Paths of Transition



The Commune of Muttersholtz, its associations and its inhabitants are committed to an ecological and solidarity-based transition. Discover their initiatives by following the "Transition Paths" through ten very concrete actions illustrated by magnificent interpretation panels. The trail is freely accessible, but a guided tour will give you a more complete view while answering the questions you are bound to ask yourself!

Starting at Place des Fêtes, follow the polar bear for two or three hours of walking (short or long version).

Accessible by all-terrain pushchair

Altitude (en m): 167m
Longueur du circuit (en Km): 4,5 Km
Niveau de difficulté: Easy
Type de sentier / circuit:
self-guided nature trail , hiking path
Lieu de la manifestation/de départ:
Place des Fêtes
Durée: 2h

Tracé KML

Hiking tour - the Paths of Transition

Place des Fêtes, 67600 Muttersholtz


2 Place du Dr Maurice Kubler
Maison du Parvis

Tel. +33 (0)3 88 58 87 20