Festive evening : bisàmme


Festive evening : bisàmme
Spoken language


This May, we're bringing you a surprising new wine: Scherwiller in its new 2019 vintage. Scherwiller is a Riesling with a local appellation. This vintage will introduce you to light citrus notes and zest.

Musical entertainment will be provided by Les Escrocs du Swing.

Catering will be provided by the restaurant La Binchstub, who will be on hand to delight your taste buds with excellent tarts flambées.

The Bisàmme evenings will continue to operate in the same way. You can bring your own dishes and share them in small groups, without a buffet.
What's more, if your cellars are stocked with Demeter-certified wines, you'll have every opportunity to share them free of charge.

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2 Place du Dr Maurice Kubler
Maison du Parvis

Tel. +33 (0)3 88 58 87 20